Nursing Fashion made of Organic Cotton

During pregnancy and lactation your body experiences a constant change. It doesn't just affect the time before birth, when clothes quickly become too tight and too short, but also the time thereafter. Lactation is an especially intense time for many women, that they spend in a close bond with their child. And it also brings a lot of physical changes. Therefore it's even more important to avoid unnecessary stress and to get the support that they need to feel comfortable in their own skin.  With our nursing fashion made of organic cotton we offer clothing that supports you with its clever designs, and that is free of harmful substances but an eye-catcher at the same time. 

The advantages of nursing fashion made of organic cotton

The organic cotton, that we use for our nursing fashion, is a natural material that grows without the application of agricultural chemicals. This ensures that our clothing made of natural fabric is very skin-friendly. This way our nursing fashion made of organic cotton is soft, breathable and very durable at the same time. Thanks to its versatility it can be used for almost all kinds of clothing, and you can find it in jumpers, jackets, shirts and more. As a natural, sustainable material it's great for the environment and promotes socially responsible cultivation, because it's not harvested by machines. This factor, amongst others, contributes to the high quality of organic cotton. When harvesting by hand only the useful cotton fibres of the plant are being picked. Rotten fibres as well as other plant remains like buds and leaves, that are often mixed within the harvest when being picked by machines, can be excluded by a trained picker.

Nursing fashion in stylish designs

We attach great importance to our fashion being free of harmful substances. Our nursing fashion made of organic cotton isn't just there to support you during lactation, but also to inspire you. Therefore we place great emphasis on a feminine style throughout our whole range that unites different styles - from classic elegance to trendy playfulness.
Discover our great range of versatile maternity and nursing fashion, of which you can wear many pieces before, during and after maternity thanks to their clever designs.

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